도메인닷컴(domain.com)에서 DNS 셋업방법
DNS Management를 클릭하면 기본적인 DNS 셋업옵션을 볼수 있다. A 레코드를 설정하는 메인기능과 메일서버 및 Cname설정 및 SPF셋업을 위한 TXT 레코드셋팅을 모두 한화면에서 처리가 가능하다
IP Address (A Records) /Mail Servers (MX Records) / Text (TXT Records)를 등록하는 화면으로 안정된 메일운영을 위한 SPF (Sender Policy Framework) records를 등록할수 있다 그러나 많은 isp의 스팸폴리시 기준에 맞추려면 반드시 이메일서버에 대한 PTR 설정을 해야하지만 도메인닷컴(domain.com) DNS Management옵션에는 제공되지 않는다.
예) 레코드 타입 설정방법
An 'A' or 'Address' record ties a domain name to an IP address. If there is a server on the Internet that is configured to handle traffic for this domain, you can enter the name of the domain 4uhomepage.com and the IP address of the server (for example '') and your domain will point to that IP address.
4uhomepage.com A
www.4uhomepage.com A
A 'CNAME' or 'Common Name' creates an alias from a domain name to another. For example, you can create a CNAME from 'subdomain.4uhomepage.com' to 'www.internet.com', and every reference to 'subdomain.4uhomepage.com' will go to 'www.internet.com', regardless of how www.internet.com changes their IP addresses.
Please note that if you define a CNAME for one of your subdomains, there should be no A or MX record defined for that subdomain.
4uhomepage.com CNAME www.internet.com
subdomain.4uhomepage.com CNAME www.internet.com
subdomain.4uhomepage.com CNAME www.4uhomepage.com
An 'MX' or 'Mail Exchange' record is used to specify what server on the Internet is running e-mail software that is configured to handle e-mail for your domain. Additionally, if you define several MX records, the Priority lets you specify the order in which they should be tried. Mail servers with the lowest pritority will be tried first.
4uhomepage.com MX 0 mail1.4uhomepage.com
4uhomepage.com MX 5 mail2.4uhomepage.com
subdomain.4uhomepage.com MX 0 mail1.4uhomepage.com
subdomain.4uhomepage.com MX 5 mail2.4uhomepage.com
An 'NS' or 'Name Server' record allows you to delegate one of your subdomains to other name servers. These other name servers are responsible for providing A, MX, etc. records for the delegated subdomain. Note that to change the NS records for your base domain name (4uhomepage.com), you must do it through the domain's registrar. To change the name servers of domains of which we are the registrar, use the "update name servers" link on our main account management page.
subdomain.4uhomepage.com NS ns1.4uhomepage.com
subdomain.4uhomepage.com NS ns2.4uhomepage.com
A 'TXT' or 'Text' record allows you to add a comment to a domain or subdomain record that will be available through DNS. A common use for TXT records is to specify a Sender Permitted From (SPF) record for a domain. You can find more information about SPF at: http://www.openspf.org or use the SPF wizard at: http://old.openspf.org/wizard.html
4uhomepage.com TXT For Questions, contact: [email protected]
4uhomepage.com TXT 'v=spf1 a:mail.4uhomepage.com'